naive adj. 天真的,幼稚的;(艺术风格)朴素的,原始的;缺乏阅历的,轻信他人的
洮 n. Taohe River。v. wash one's face。
缝隙 n. crack; gap; seam; break; leak; slit; interstice
能 v. can; could; be able to; be capable of; have the
boomer n. 生育高峰中出生的人;赶往新兴地区安家的人;发育完全的雄袋鼠;异常大的东西;
丧偶 v. be widowed; lose a spouse; become a widow; beco
补发 v. reissue; replace; resend; compensate; make up f
terminal n. (火车、公共汽车或船的)终点站;航空终点站,航站楼;电脑终端;(电路的)端
骢 n. piebald horse; horse。
尾管悬挂器 Liner hanger
facilitate v. 使更容易,使便利;促进,推动
菜谱 n. menu; cookbook; recipe book; cookery book; bill
实施 v. implement; realize; conduct; exact; enforce; ex
颇丰 good
一年级 n. first grade; first year (in school)。